Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Day is a Lovely Day

Street level view when it’s clear

There has been a lot of rain, so the days with a little sun are extra special.
It’s been an overcast and rainy week.

On a wet rainy day - on my way home from getting groceries

Wet and empty 

Place Clemenceau is vacant
The Merry-Go-Round is resting today, too

No one seems to want a bike


Watching the world from the apartment…

The florist opening
his shop for the day

Walking the dogs

Daily Walkers

A rest stop for bicyclers

Happenings at the Eglise

A Wedding

Lots of babies and Grandparents
Christening Day, perhaps?


The big excitement of the week…

Dinner with Christie and David
The Bad Luck Saloon

We catch the “Ladybug” (Coxitis)
Because it’s raining.

We are on the way!

We are here!
Looks promising…

Yummy Pub food - English and American style.

Pulled Pork Sandwich
Bar-b-que Ribs
Smashburgers and Fries

Now for dessert…

Apple Pie with lots of Whipped Cream

-We walk home to work off the dinner.-

We walk home down wet streets


So ends another week of S and J’s Adventures (not so big)

Mourning Doves (or are they pigeons?)

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