Friday, February 28, 2025

Have been here in Sierra Madre for 3 weeks now…


Altadena - Fire devastation, homes and hills

This view is always on everyone’s mind.  That fire and wind storm was 2 months ago and people still talk about it like it was yesterday.  

Since arriving, I’ve had to fix the washing machine, reorganize my house and I have tried to normalize myself by going to the gym and going out for meals with friends and family.  No matter where one goes, people talk about the fire and we seem to know more and more folks who are affected.  

At the gym (the YMCA ) there are food trucks serving food to those who need a real meal. Also there is a food bank on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a potable water truck if one needs water and moral support.

Before Yayoi and Dave got back to Japan for Yayoi’s book launching, we show her more of the Arboretum and the Huntington Library.

We take another trip to the Arboretum

The dry, bare, burned mountains

We also made it to the Huntington Library and Garden

Chinese Garden

Japanese Garden

Night before Yayoi and Dave go back to Japan
We have a meal and bread pudding for dessert.

My last two weeks I’ve been busy with Dave & Yayoi, but they left for a week in Japan last Friday.

Driving away to LAX

In the meantime, the Landscapers came an cleaned and refreshed the front yard.

Trimmed and new bark chips

I harvested the limes.

Saturday I will put the limes out for those who want some.

Ann and I went to Sierra Madre Playhouse to see Master Class.

Excellent production

I have dinner and/or lunch this week. Went to El Torito with Cousin Ann for lunch and dinner with the art group friends after my art class.

At Roe Fusion with
Bonnie, Connie, and Melinda

The house


Coming up this week…

Stephen Cherry is coming to town.  Cynthia is coming to town.  Dave and Yayoi are coming back. I leave for France on Thursday.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

A 2 week Transition

From Pau to Sierra Madre...
    A 2 week transition time - that's why there wasn't a posting last week!

The week of February 2, I enjoy the views of the traffic.

The day before I leave I notice someone else is leaving, too.
A much farther place than I.

The morning of February 6 at 5:00 am, we go the stairs to meet the taxi.

At Pau-Pyrenees Airport
On to Paris!

Waiting at Charles de Gaulle Airport Paris

Dave picks me up at LAX - what a mad house. 🛬

Now I know I’m home.


Dave drives me to see the devastation in Altadena 

Driving up Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre

Then to Altadena…

There’s more, but it’s too much to imagine.


On a lighter note - We go to the Arboretum

The carriage house…

Inside the carriage house

Queen Ann Cottage

The adobe -
 a fancier adobe than the one Uncle Michy was born in

Even the Arboretum was
affected by the fire

Proud Peacock guards
the grounds


The week and a half I’ve been “home”, I mostly was reorganizing and dealing with the washing machine repair and the “snaking” of the pipelines from the utility room. (You don’t need to know the details)

Valentine’s Day Reward…
Anthony takes us to Gus’s BBQ

Shrimp and Grits

Fabian and Dave have the BBQ meat


So ends my transition week home.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Day is a Lovely Day

Street level view when it’s clear

There has been a lot of rain, so the days with a little sun are extra special.
It’s been an overcast and rainy week.

On a wet rainy day - on my way home from getting groceries

Wet and empty 

Place Clemenceau is vacant
The Merry-Go-Round is resting today, too

No one seems to want a bike


Watching the world from the apartment…

The florist opening
his shop for the day

Walking the dogs

Daily Walkers

A rest stop for bicyclers

Happenings at the Eglise

A Wedding

Lots of babies and Grandparents
Christening Day, perhaps?


The big excitement of the week…

Dinner with Christie and David
The Bad Luck Saloon

We catch the “Ladybug” (Coxitis)
Because it’s raining.

We are on the way!

We are here!
Looks promising…

Yummy Pub food - English and American style.

Pulled Pork Sandwich
Bar-b-que Ribs
Smashburgers and Fries

Now for dessert…

Apple Pie with lots of Whipped Cream

-We walk home to work off the dinner.-

We walk home down wet streets


So ends another week of S and J’s Adventures (not so big)

Mourning Doves (or are they pigeons?)